I think the financial implications, the up coming A2s and her hatred of ironing will keep it down to monthly visits for now.
Also it seems that his Mummy likes to visit frequently and his parents do not want the THW anywhere near him ..... not since she told his father to keep his perverted paws to himself! The BF had to claim to be on a "Field Trip" this weekend to keep them away..... they have been to see him every weekend since he went there! Mummy phones him every evening, they have paid to have a BT line in his room!
In his shoes I would have told them "I'm 18 now so p*ss off" ..... but he thinks they will "come round" eventually so keeps telling porkies about the relationship. Had they left the kids alone when I told them to 2 years ago it would have all been over long ago but forbidden fruit is always sweeter! We had hoped that the kids had broken up during the summer but apparently they are an item again.
As for the father .... I had two choices ... Punch his lights out or do what I finally settled on which was to ask my friendly local Rozzerette to call on him and "Have a word" about his emailing and texting the THW. She did and he is a wiser and more careful man now. They live in the next village to us and their local bobby went with my friend to "bully him a bit". Coincidentally he has been stopped whilst driving 6 times since (Faulty brake light, badly adjusted headlights, bald tyre etc) and his car is now off the road

Rozzerette has a file with copies of his texts and emails to the THW for future reference ...... if it becomes necessary.