I said I wouldn't and really there was a time when I didn't think it made sense but times and techy stuff changes. I've bought a new phone, an iPhone G4
The clincher was the synchronicity bit; I had diaries, address books and contacts all over the place, play lists on a shuffle, laptop and desktop telling me different things and a mobile that didn't recognise any of them. Then came MobileMe and a neighbour who extolled its virtues a couple of months ago. At a little over a pound a week the whole lot is synchronised up in the big cloud in the sky
Early days yet as I'm still waiting for the ok from 3 with the number change but all the playlists, contacts, address book, bookmarks have been uploaded in seconds and it synchs in seconds each time it's pugged in.
The old Sony Ericsson can run with a Virgin PAYG sim as an emergency back up and radio on the move but I reckon the web radio on the G4 will probably have the better of it in time ... specially when FM drops off.