Check your bank statements ~ you may have (or Mrs Growler may have) signed up a direct debit with them some time in the past so they will keep on taking the money annually or quarterly and sending you the Readers Digest. If this is the case cancel the DD by writing to your bank.
I used to subscribe and like you got fed up with it (boring, mainly American rubbish) and wrote to them to cancel it. They kept sending it until I took my own advice and cancelled the DD at the bank.
If you are sure no-one at Growler Towers has ordered it at any time in the past then write them a strong letter but make sure you send it to their subscription or mailing department, both of which has a different address to the publishers. The address is usually in the first few pages of the magazine.
Of course somebody else may have "Gifted" you a subscription at some time and is still paying for it. The subscription department will be able to tell you.
Simply sending it back, even with a snotty letter, never worked for me either.