Just watched the end of The Route masters - most excellent!
But they were constantly complaining about the problems of the population of Londonistan growing by a miwlion in the last ten years and set to grow by another two miwlion in the next ten... and the pressures this placed on the transport system...
Not wishing to be branded a racist or anything but >50% of the people featured on any of the buses or trains are not what I would consider to be the indigenous population of the UK... Plus in episode #4 they focussed on the thousands of Polish arriving at Victoria bus station (who look like the indigenous population of the UK but can't speak English like wot I can)....
I can't help but think that the simple answer to the transport problems of London is not to force people out of their cars (by increasing fines and reducing parking places) and onto bicycles or public transport, but simply to stop foreigners flooding into the country...
Rant over...