You have to ask why they filmed working people for a year and then at the last minute decided to dump all footage of them. Not like the series had low viewing figures was it.
Well, they obviously wouldn't know the viewing figures before they showed it so that is a pointless comment....

But I would imagine they didn't have just one camera filming the street for a year (in fact clearly not), and they cut the footage at the end to fit the theme of the programme...
Clearly, if the series was called
"Working class family survives on street of benefits" you would have imagined that perhaps the footage of the working family would have received more coverage...
But, given the series was called "Benefits Street" they chose to focus on
the 95% of the street that were on benefits...
No doubt, if it was called "Romanians fucked over by gang bosses" they would have dedicated the whole series to the
Romanians who had been fucked over by gang bosses...
But instead, they chose to focus the programme on those people that choose to fuck over the British taxpayer by living on benefits, having multiple children with various vacant fathers, not working, thieving, drug taking, boozing, smoking and spending all day in front of a 40" flat screen tellybox completely funded by the taxpayer....
In which case, fair play to them....

(the film makers - not the scrounging scum)

I suspect you haven't even watched it... in #2 there is a long part where a local woman (clearly not a benefit scrounger) enters the street in the "Britain in Bloom" competition and tries to get the complete shit hole cleaned up but it is clearly an impossible task with piss heads, drug addicts and benefits scroungers on almost every doorstep. How would two working people with a couple of hanging baskets change the feel of the street or the series...?