Back. Fit an' 'ealthy..ish, but got to go back and have me 'ECU' plugged into diagnostics for half an hour (GWT scale) to check it's efficiency in a couple of weeks.
Crackin' quack btw. Mid 40's, training in surgery for 4 months and was just like one of the lads almost.
Took me arf an hour to get out of the place due to excessive amounts of banter and general interesting facts, figures and some good ole hearty ranting about society and all its ill's, and consequently getting some of us well stressed out with frustration.
He agreed with most of my grumbles and said I was a bit of an 'unusual character'.
Shook me paw and thanked me for an 'interesting chat'
Did you know, that it takes an approximate 10 mile walk to burn off a Mars bar...approximate like?