Not wishing to hijack a post or anyfink…but I too had a fasting blood test today…The usual Phlebotomist is female and she is a petite blond, getting on a bit mind, but still quite shaggable…
there is always a bit of banter between us, and you know that she's only barely dressed under her white coat...every time I go in and sit with my left arm on the pillow, she re-arranges it slightly, the result being that my left hand always brushes against her left breast…or is compressed near her nether regions…not deliberately, I might add on my part…honest m'lud…
Today I go in…different nurse…
not so shaggable, admittedly…she studies the screen monitor for a minute, and then re-arranges my arm, and my left hand brushes against her left breast…conspiracy theory…
The same with the dental hygienist…she always leans over and buries her tits in my right shoulder and neck…mind you they are quite large…Don't suppose that she could much else with em, like