Am I actually surrounded by bleedin' mice in here? 
FFS lads. 
DO gerabloodygrip of yerselves will you all, PLEASE!
You DON'T ask and beg. YOU TELL 

It's NOT bloody funny. It's sad, and YOU are as bad as the other mouses in 'ere.
Should be ashamed of yerself. 
Friday is an 'family day' apparently...

Oh that's nice for you. They're ALL coming to the NEC with YOU then to enjoy the classic's I presume?
I think that is most most admirable of you. A caring streak is there after all.
10/10 BM. Nice one. You are my latest new best friend, well done, bravo.

I'll get the ale in, no worries.
I knew deep down inside that you weren't a mice really, oh no, but a well 'ard proper MAN is our BM, that just tells it like it is, and doesn't take no for an answer off any ole pussy's, ever, just like me, oink bloody oink.

Well proud of you I am.