So okay, she wants to be a vegetarian but doesn't like Potatoes in any form, Lentils, Sprouts, Beans..... in fact most vegetables.
Anywhoo she will eat (or does one DRINK?) soup .... so I bought some packs of pea soup, tomato soup and vegetable soup ... thinking they would make good, quick and simple supper or lunch time fillers for her (Oh she doesn't like sandwiches because they are made with bread).
I proudly display my wares and she immediately accuses me of trying to make her eat meat products by stealth.
WHY? I hear you cry.
Because the fvcking pea soup has listed in amongst the expected ingredients pork fat.
I am innocent

... Who would check the ingredients on a packet of pea soup? Who for that matter has the time to read such lists of ingredients? Normal people would expect to find "Peas, water and a few E numbers".
Who puts PORK FAT in pea soup ~ and why would you?