This is a mad house. I am tring to keep my mouth shut but will say something when we leave here. Pater wrinklie told me before Christmas that he did not want my girls here. I knew this but it was delivered in a very aggressive way. Mr C was present and was mortified and hurt, I managed to get my own back sort of as the girls called me and asked what the wrinkles names were they were making biscuits and wanted to ice them with names. On our return to the family house I handed the biscuits over.

Mr C has a rather delightful son (25) he was planning on coming to see his grandparents tomorrow and has been visiting his sister locally, they, the sister and brother have argued today. Mr C asked his parents if their grandson could stay overnight tonight.
The reply Lurkios second bed was covered in stuff so no. This is their one and only grandchild FFS they live in a six bedromed house they defer to a 50 year old twat and cannot accommodate their own grandson. I have whinged on here about my mother but she would offer Mr Cs son a bed.
I am in a fury.