This mornings gems from the wriklie harridan...
Pater wrinklie comes shambling into the kitchen
WH squawks; 'PW it's too early for your coffee'
PW looks somewhat surprised and replies 'I have come for a leather.'
WH 'Well, what do you want a leather for?'
PW 'To clean my screen.'
WH 'Oh well, it's too early for your coffee PW.'
PW ' I don't want me coffee I want a leather.'
WH; ' They are in the offshot.' (utility room to you and I)
PW Wombles off and returns with a leather.
WH 'PW what have you got there?'
PW ' A leather for my screen.'
WH ' Well, PW it's too early for your coffee and I have got to iron two black shirts for our Lurkio. You will get indigestion.'
PW 'Oh.'
PW leaves the kitchen.
Me to WH 'Why have you got to iron two shirts for Lurkio?'
WH 'He'll just burn them.'
Me wearing sensible head...

I leave the kitchen.
Five minutes elapse the kitchen door opens and WM shouts from the bottom of the stairs.. 'PW your coffee is ready.'

Barking I tells you completely barking.
Don't get me started on yesterdays debacle.