Left work today to go and do assemble something for a customer and thought that now I'd got the SatNave back from the ex, getting there wouldn't be a problem. I had already Googled the address which told me it was somewhere in Norbury. Nice...
Said SatNave singularly refused to recognise the address so I thought I would would rely on the good old Google Maps printout. As I rounded Thornton Heathe ponds aiming for Norbury, the Satnav told me I was on the right road, roughly at number 635. As I proceeded, the number went UP. I wanted 189. I pulled over (not easy on the A23) and phoned the customer. Seems my crew who delivered the bed had the same problem...so why the fuck didn't she - or my delivery delinquents bother to tell me? So I turn round and aim back for West Croydon Station. Half a mile away the traffic stops dead. Blue flashing lights everywhere. Obviously someone's been killed/maimed. I dive down a side road and after much faffing eventually find somewhere to park and go and do the assembly.
Two and a half hours later I leave and go back to the car. Why's the interior light on? Bugger Tentatively, I walk round and it seems OK. Key in ignition, I turn it over. The 2 1/2 hours with the interior light on has taken its toll. Thankfully it splutters into life and I'm on my way. I've never enjoyed a pint of Young's so much for ages.
Oh, and the daft bint who I did the job for made terrible tea.