Morning people.
It is stupid o'clock so I will put the urn on and start clearing up duties. What on earth went on in here last night? I haven't seen the place in this sort of state since Christmas. Please don't tell me that the pub quiz turned nasty.
I see that Uncle is still here in his corner. I am ot going to wake him but I think we need a rota of some sort to make sure he gets home each night. Either that or we have a collection and purchase a very comfortable single bed for all or any of us to use on those dreadful nights when we don't want to go home and we would rather shelter here in the safety of the pup.
IMO it should be single (no comfy rumpy pumpy, in fact no rumpy pumpy) jast a safe refuge from the shite storm that life sometimes is.
Enough of that I will clian around Uncle and get the tea on the go.