Morning at the Kennels
SWWLTBO is in a cleaning frenzy .... Getting ready for the man to knock out the old windows and fit new ones starting tomorrow
... Like he isn't going to make a mess????
Anywhoo knowing that I am at my desk and that the boys are bizzy on the Wii she decides to start vac'ing the bedrooms .... she seems to have forgotten the THW is still abed. Much shouting from the THW who has been rudely awoken by the vacuum cleaner and SWWLTBO declaiming that she hadn't done it on purpose and if CERTAIN PEOPLE can't get up in the morning then it doesn't mean that the rest of life as we know it has to be suspended. Glorious verbal battle going on. Minimus has upped the volume on the Wii to ear-splitting levels and Minor has bellowed up the stairs for them to "Keep the bloody noise down ... It
is Sunday you know".
I think I shall roll another ciggy and reeeeeeeeelax