Morning all.
For those of us who are in the UK we have the delights of
gridlocked roads, road works, unmarked diversions due to said roadworks, no workforce, (they will all be at home enjoying the bank holiday)three way traffic controls being totally out of sync, supermarkets being open but devioid of food items due to mass hysteria caused by not being able to access said establishments they being closed for a day (one fu@king day, I ask you) Watching princess Clitoriss and Labia dissolve into meltdown due to the fact that they can't have the latest 'Zombi dreaded person fights Godzilla and King Kong DVD at that very instant! . Being stuck in traffic.
Although some of us will stay at home look at the grass and think 'pah it can wait another week' continue with an ongoing project and quaff copious amounts of wine.