I was hoping for tattoos and piercings and stuff.... 
Indeed ~ hard to see what I can object to ....... but I'm sure I will find something 

Well today he returns to his own parent's home.
He is indeed polite, very tall and well built. His table manners are good and he doesn't drink much other than tea. The odd glass of wine or bottle (stubby) of cheap beer seems to be his limit. The THW assures us this is not politeness but he got drunk once and didn't like it so now alcohol is an occasional thing rather than the normal student drink, smoke, snort any and every thing in sight.
The boys like him and he has devoted a deal of time to combat with them on Playstation and Wii.
Woodstock has raised no objections to him, rather she has told me I am intolerant as I find him a bit too full of himself.
Like all teenagers (and he is only 19 so still a teenager in my eyes) he firmly believes he know everything about everything. This is acceptable until his ideas are at odds with mine.

All in all the best thing I can say about him is that he is miles better than the last oik.
Once he grows up and discovers that youth and enthusiasm are no match for old age and cunning he'll prolly be OK.