They asked SWWLTBO to teach a 10 week "Counselling" course last term .... Since she is (i) firmly to the right of Gengis Khan (ii) A personal friend of our Blessed Lady of Finchley and (iii) very much of the Fvck 'em, flog 'em, then hang the b@st@rds attitude I asked if I could "sit in" just to watch the fun like.
Request denied!
It seems that her basic message of "Don't get personally involved with those who seek couselling" and "Tell them to buy a box of tissues" added to "Nothing sorts matters better than a large G&T" was not quite what the 'students' were expecting.
SWWLTBO does not do tie dyed, floor length skirts, green painted toenails, unshaven legs and dirty necks. None of the students came back for the second tier course.