I reckon if we put our backs into it, we could shift that bugger all Miss C
Nah didn't work JOM my back is now 'out' still good plan. 
Morning people. 
Coincidence? I put my back out yesterday afternoon, I only leaned forward to pick up a tub and must have trapped summat, been on Ibuprofen since, and it's still bloody painful.
Next time somebody wants bugger all doing, I will do bugger all about it
That makes two of us JOM. My back has been playing up for a couple of months and I lifted something this morning and felt a click followed by a stabbing pain. Been up to the surgery where the Doc as given me Ibruprofen and a warning about how sick they will make me feel as they don't mix well with the heart meds.
If there is a massage going I'll take one please.
I did suggest to the Doc that a nubile Japanese lady exponent of the art of walking up and down my spine was what I hoped he'd prescribe but he said I couldn't afford it and the NHS wouldn't pay so it's pills or an anti-inflamatory jab in the arse. I elected the pills and an x-ray. I can hardly walk at the moment and am using a walking stick to lean on to relieve the pressure on my spine when I stand.
PS I don't give a flying fvck who does the massage if it gets rid of the pain.