Is this the same boyfriend ?
No ~ that one ended over a year ago (do keep up dear).
This one is (for BM's satisfaction) a 6'4" tall rugby/cricket playing geology student with good manners, good prospects and a reasonable income. He is neither vegetarian, Welsh or even from oop North. All in all Woodstock and both boys, having met him a couple of times, consider him to be "a good catch" and more than a match for madam! He has been invited (by THW and her mother) to spend a few days here to meet me. THW will be going to his parent's (who she has met several times) for the last few days of the holidays to join in the family celebrations of both his and his mother's birthday and thence meet the rest of his family (grandparents etc as I understand it). I am assured by both the THW and her mother that there are no plans for wedding bells nor engagements until such times as they have graduated when they have their own individual plans for further study ..... in separate countries (one going to Australia for a year and the other to the USA) for the first year of their PhD's. That, however, is two years away and much may happen in that time.
I am further told that I will like him .... which remains to be seen. Like most fathers I am genetically programmed to feel that no boy/youth/man is good enough for my daughter but experience with 1st daughter demonstrates that my opinion is sought only out of politeness + tradition and my actual opinion, should I elect to offer one, is of little or no consequence.
I shall therefore be the perfect host, head of the family etc and do as I am told.
I shall prolly spend much of his visit in my study with the door closed, appearing only to join them for meals and polite conversation from time to time.