Is Miss D dead?
No I'm here .
I am not up to talking much at the moment - I really cannot tell you how traumatic the last few days have been ( Brat related ) so for the moment I am watching and laughing on the sidelines until I feel stronger and more able to banter.
Miss D fear not sweet lady we are going to have a banter whip round, any and all banter collected will be sent directly to you. Once that one is done we are going to have a second whip round and each and every one of us will be throwing a little (or a lot) of strength into the pot, that to will be sent directly to you.
We were going to sign you up for 'fuss/being there tightrope walking lessons but we couldn't find an appropriate course, however we actually all know that you know your daughter and will (most of the time ) get the balance just right, and for those moments when you don't get it 'quite right' we know that you have the strength to weather the storm.
One step at a time cause most of us are to decrepit to keep up with anything else. xxxx