Today's menu is headed "Bill of Fare for Fast Day"
Julienne soup for fast day
Pike, Horseradish sauce
Vol-au-vent of eggs, Béchamel sauce
Roast fillet of Sturgeon
Cauliflower with cheese
Nun's sighs
Nun's sighs? 
"Warm a lump of butter the size of a walnut, a lump of sugar, a little lemon peel and a pinch of salt in a tumblerful of water, let it boil over two or three times; stir in some flour until it becomes a thick paste and continue stirring until it is cooked, which you can tell if the paste does not stick to your finger; leave in the saucepan until cold, then stir in one egg at a time
(It does not say how many eggs) until it is thin enough to drop out of a spoon. Take a dessert spoon and drop lumps of the paste about the size of a walnut into lard which is not quite boiling, take out when swollen to four times their original size and of a golden colour. Sprinkle with sugar and serve hot; they are also very nice cold. The flavouring may be varied by omitting the lemon peel and stirring in a little orange-flower water with the first egg."
Sounds a bit like a dough-nut to me.