Scrawled in his own hand. It really was delicious and very very tender, just like me.
Make-it-up-as-you-go-along slow cooked belly of pork.
Slab of belly pork
1/3 bottle of Original HP Barbeque Sauce
2 desert spoons of marmalade or sweet mango chutney
Black pepper
Place the belly of pork in an oven tray and cover with HP Barbeque Sauce and 2 spoons of marmalade or sweet mango chutney. At this stage you can add other things. I added some Henderson’s Relish (a Sheffield thing), fennel seeds and a little tamarind paste. Alternatively you could add Five spice (for a Chinese flavour), or nothing at all.
Seal the oven tray with a double sheet of aluminium foil wrapped tightly round the edges of the tray. Cook in at 150c for about 4 hours.
Remove meat from tray and sieve the sauce into a frying pan. Taste for sweetness and add honey to taste. The dish can stand a lot of sweetness. Add black pepper, but no salt. There is plenty of salt / flavour enhancer in the HP Barbeque Sauce. Reduce the sauce until it becomes thick.
Place the meat back on the oven tray, but this time on a rack. Cover the meat with the reduced sauce and cook for about 10 mins at 200c.
Leave meat to stand for 10 mins before cutting into slices to serve.