Once, when visiting Holland and feeling gastronomically adventurous, I took SWWLTBO to a French restaurant in the town of Venlo. I can read a little Dutch and we can both speak some French but the menu left us stumped. I asked the waiter what various dishes were but one item "The Chef's Special" was beyond us and the waiter, who turned out to be Portuguese, was struggling to translate the French onto English for us.
Finally he sought help from the Chef who pronounced that it was a bird.
"Chicken" queried the wife
"No, no... beeegar"
"Turkey?" she tried
"No, no, no beeegar!"
"Goose?" I tried helpfully
"No no no .... Beeegar .... My special deesh! (clearly he wasn't Dutch or French either)
"Swan? Peacock?" the guessing game went on until finally "OK... We'll have the special" I decided.
Very nice it was too ..... then the owner appeared. Very large and VERY Dutch.
"How is the meal?" he asked in faultless English
"Wonderful" gabbled SWWLTBO round a mouthful "What is it?"
"Escalope of Ostrich in a grape sauce Madam"
I'm just glad I didn't ask for a bloody drumstick