See your Doctor ASAP!
It may be nothing other than stress or a reaction to medication ~ which could be quickly sorted BUT on the other hand it sounds very much like it might be serious. Only your doctor will be able to tell you
I agree.
Could be a brain haemorrage, a clot, a tumour...anything
Well thanks very much for your concern.
I'm almost warming to you now.
As much fun as these internet chat rooms can be occasionally something serious catches the eye and I feel it only right to respond appropriately.
Do you know A.S.E., I'd really like to believe you.Honestly.
However recent pm's stating that you like to 'mock the afflicted' referring to me of course, do make me somewhat wary of your true intentions of concern.
Giving you the benefit of my doubts, I'll thank you again and take the advice of Snoops and go and see the quack.
He'll no doubt tell me that there's a bug going 'round, to drink plenty of water, take paracetomol, and have lots and lots of rest, and to come back in a fortnight if I'm not dead.
Yea, right, ok.