I watched it again last night didn't manage it to the end.
I find it strangely fascinating. I watch the behaviour of the children with a mixture of horror and disbelief.
These idiots will have had plenty of opportunities to get their act together whilst ion mainstream education. They chose not to. More to the point the parents allowed the situation that each child was in to escalate and have absolved themselves of responsibility.
How about placing the parents into gulag with enforced labour and education. Seizing any and all of the parents assets to help fund schooling for their dysfunctional sprogs.
Separating the children from their parents and installing them in a military style camp where they undertake two minor operations 1) sterilisation 2) the removal of their mobile phones.
They can then spend two years without pay doing some hard labour and being taught not only the three Rs but also elocution, manners, language, respect and a whole host of other things that would enable them to take their place in decent human society. They cam share two to a room which should have a bed desk and sink. No computers, TVs, mobile phones and no make-up. Very unflattering uniform to be worn at all times and a daily check to ensure this is complied with.
Books only and homework every night. Failure to comply strict discipline administered preferable in front of the rest of the inmates. Making the hard lads wear girly pink would work a treat IMHO not sure about the girls. solitary confinement sees good.
Punishment along the lines of three strikes and you are out, the 'out' in question being the morgue.
Just a thought.

The dream school could then be opened for hard workers, no matter their ability who want to learn and would appreciate the chance they are being given.
Right rant over, breath in and out breath in and out slowly relaxing as you do so, feel your gritted teeth relaxing