The elder of my two daughters has not ironed anything since she married her first husband in 1990. She pays someone to do it for her. Her reasoning ~ "Life is too short to iron as well as hold down a job, run a family, look after husbands (2 so far), bring up child and have a life. Meanwhile there is always someone who likes ironing and needs the money. I can afford it ..... so why not?"
Think back ~ your granny (or great granny for the younger ones among us) prolly had a woman who took away the washing and returned it a week later, washed and ironed when she took away the next load. Everyone did it. That was how the world worked up 'til the fifties when washing machines became the vogue. Even then my mother had the sheets and such large items collected by a laundry van once a week.
Bring back the local laundries I say!