Not at work tonight, but have had a look at flight load numbers. Surprise, surprise outbound French, Malta and Amsterdam numbers decimated, returnees packed.
This absoulute fuckwittery has to stop. No quarantine for any country. Insist people take responsibility for themselves - you wan't to travel abroad, fine, you take the precautions you feel necessary. Lots of travel insurers now cover Covid-19 (a flu). It's all bollox, the sheeple are being conditioned into accepting total Government choices over their lives - pointless face masks being a part of it. Also rendering face recognition useless. The west got pranked by the Chinese with videos of total shut down/doors welded shut/roads and pavement being sprayed into thinking this was the next bubonic plague. Western economies shit themselves and shut down, just as China intended. They cannot win a physical war, they won an economic one.
Stop it now. Cunts. (apologies to the laydeees)