First Officer - "Flight Deck to Ground"
Ground (me) - "Good evening sir"
F.O. - "We have clearance and are ready to push back"
Me - "Don't you want my checks first?"
F.O. - "Oh, if we must"
Me "All doors, hold and hatches are closed, safe and secured. Engines 2 & 1 are clear, the towbar is in place, the steering bypass pin is in place..."
F.O. "Enough of that old fanny, parking is brake is released can we go now!"
So I signal the pushback driver that the brakes are off and we start pushing the plane back
F.O. - "Am I clear to start engine 1?"
Me - "Not yet, sir, we have to make a sharp turn to face west and that brings me very close to engine 1. I'd rather not be diced up by a CFM56 engine tonight as I have 3 days off after this. Standby".
20 seconds later we're coming out of the tight turn
Me - "Clear to start engine 1 now, sir"
F.O. - " Starting engine 1".
Me - "In a hurry, sir? We're 10 minutes early as it is"
F.O. - "Sorry about that, I have a bad dose of the shits and I want to get off this plane ASAP. The toilet cubicles on this fuckin plane are tiny and when I had to go earlier I stank the place out"
Me - "Ermm...OK. Clear to start engine 2"
F.O. - "Two good engine starts, your clear to disconnect and we'll get the fuck out of here. See you on the right hand side with the steering pin".
Me - "Two good starts, we'll disconnect and I'll see you on the right hand side with the steering pin. I hope the brown rain stays away until you're in a more comfortable place"
F.O. - "The Holiday Inn Express in Geneva. And I bet the fuckin bar is closed. Goodnight!"