Well, tonight I saw someone from one of the other handling agents lose his job. An A319 for us came in and had to wait a couple of minutes of the taxiway whilst we were waiting for one of our lot to turn up and turn on the laser-guided thingy that tells the pilot when to stop, so that the passenfer jetty can reach the plane. While the plane was on the taxiway, a driver towing a baggage cart sat patiently waiting for the plane to finish parking. Our chap arrived and turned the laser guiding thingy on and the plane then powered up and started to pull in. Inexplicable, this chap from the "other" place then decided it would be a good time to go for it and shot past in front of the plane. Luckily the pilot saw him and stamped on the brakes - the nose of the plane visibly dipped. I'd estimate he missed the baggage cart by no more than 3 feet. If if had collided, I think it would have taken the front landing gear out. And the chap from the "other" handling place did it right in front of the Gatwick runway police. He was stopped a 100 yards down the service road. Masses of 4x4s arrived and he disappeared in the back of one of them. What on earth was he thinking?! Even some of the hardened crew I work with said they had never seen anything so stupid. He will be charged - at the very least - with endagering the lives of those on board. Wuckfit.