What a difference a fortnight makes - 2 weeks ago the average load was about 120 bags. Tonight, I didn't do one over 80. The only "biggie" was the Sharm-el-Sheikh with 160 but I was sent for a tactical ciggie when it came in. I started off, at 1pm with an Air Fungus - easy, all the bags are in containers which are loaded straight in, so no manual chucking and stacking, then I had a pissy little Aurigny prop plane - about 40 bags. Next up, just two of us sent to unload an Easyjet from Barcelona - only 76 bags. And one firearm - perfect, as you have to take that through the red channel in customs and from there it's a short walk outside for a ciggie! Next up one from Inverness - 61 bags. And one firearm :-) Another ciggie. Then I had a canteen break and finished off with 4 fairly small offloads. Piece of cake, I may even wake up tomorrow without any aches or pains!
'Twas a bit chilly in shorts mind. And bloody foggy on the M23 coming home.