Right. This new "summer" roster that's in place for 18 weeks. First off, it's total wank. There are 15 different start/finish times so your sleep pattern is going to get utterly confuddled before too long.
Then - and this is the killer for me - we are now in static teams of 3. Previously you worked with different people every day. The team I have been lumbered with is Brian "Dangerous" D and a noobie called Brian S, who I think is 194 years old. Dangerous Brian is the Team Leader by dint of the fact he can push planes out in the tug (I'm on a course next month to do this). He's okay though. The noobie, however, can do very little. And what he can do, he does very slowly.
We were given 2 Turkish Airlines jobs today - one after the other - and these are hard, hard jobs. Most of the bags are in the 30kg mark and there are usually about 180 of them, plus 1 tonne of cargo. All in A321's, which are fairly long planes, with holds like bowling alleys. I threw all the bags/cargo out of the inbound and the two Brians stacked them on the lorry. For the outbound, old Brian S simply couldn't throw the bags far enough so I plonked myself at the top of the loading belt and threw the bags and cargo down the hold to him to stack them. I must have hit him 10 times with various bags
After about 7 minutes, he simply couldn't carry on, so I kicked him out of the hold and did it myself. Must admit I was sweating somewhat.
After those, we were given our first canteen break (we'd been out for 5 1/2 hours). I asked one of the Duty Manager's why I was "lucky enough" to be put in this team. He replied "Coz you're a fuckin nutter and we thought you'd enjoy it".
I can't see this "team" lasting 18 weeks