Turkish Airlines. Again.
In amongst the 135 bags on the plane, was a little Jack Russell in a travel container. The pilot popped his head into the hold and told us the dog was to be given to the passenger at baggage reclaim.
I told him to go fuck himself, Animal Reception had to collect it. He was most insistent and said it had all been authorised. I took the dog with me, chucked the 135 bags onto the reclaim belt and then went into reclaim with the dog. Two passengers approached me and I ignored them and went straight into the "red channel" and plonked the quivering hound on the desk. The Border Farce bloke gazed at me and I told him what had transpired. His jaw dropped. He phoned Animal Reception who also said that this was completely out of order and - furthermore - Turkish Airlines don't have a licence to bring live animals into Gatwick...we later found out that the dog had been booked on the plane as a passenger

Oh, and those three Jihadi Brides that flew from Gawick with Turkish Airlines...we lose part of our bonus because of that