The summer season is in full flow and I cannot remember such an ongoing shitstorm. This time last year cancellations were rare and delays infrequent.
For the last month though, Gatwick has been a pit of human misery.
From weather events to ATC restrictions to runway closures to ATC strikes over Europe, the number of passengers (I refuse to call them customers) suffering prolonged delays and then sometimes cancellations is simply appalling. We have ~ 70 easyJet aircraft based at Gatwick and 43% of the slots / 200 flights per day so obviously the factors above affect it more than other airlines, although they too are suffering the same delays/cancellations.
On a normal day we will get the "first wave" ~ 70 flights out by 08.30. All good. As the second wave (0830-1430) starts kicking in, the delays start mounting and my computer screen starts showing red patches for the delayed flights. Cumulative delays from leaving LGW late in the 1st wave (too many planes trying to take off for 1 runway) plus delays on the turnaround at the other end start to bite. Incoming aircraft are stacked and circle for yonks due to ATC flow restrictions.
By the 3rd wave (1430-2230) the screen is almost entirely red with delays of 45mins - 2 1/2 hours common.
I finish at 1900 and before I do, I have a section of usually 9 flights to get out between 1800-1815. This time last year, it was rare for me not to get them all out.
Last night I didn't get even 1 of them out.
As a result of all the delays, a good number of flight crews will be "out of hours" if they complete the return sector and thus the cancellations begin. A dozen or so last night, I am informed.
Compensation is only payable where a flight is delayed more than 3 hours and I honestly believe all the airlines are happy for delays up to 3 hours and then simply cancel the flight if it is going to be more, citing crews "out of hours". It's probably cheaper to simply refund the ticket price and put the passengers up in a hotel - assuming they don't go home instead.
In the last week we have had 4 runway closures leading to diversions to Bournemouth/Southend/Luton leading to - you guessed it - further cancellations. The first runway closure was a Virgin Atlantic with hydraulic issues leading to no nosewheel steering. Later that day, the Virgin Atlantic they flew in to replace it left LGW, reported hydraulic issues leading to no nosewheel steering, dumped fuel over Southampton then landed as a full emergency, closing the runway. A few days later a BA reported hydraulic issues leading to no nosewheel steering and landed as a full emergency, closing the runway. And at about 1800 last night another BA reported hydraulic issues/no nosewheel steering leading to another runway closure. Spot a theme there?
I shall now spend the next 4 days getting hog-whimperingly drunk before it all starts again on Saturday