Where to start?
First off, the pay settlement has finally been agreed - 10% backdated to 1st January 2022. Not too bad, but bear in mind it's the first pay rise in 3 years. Next year's pay negotiations to begin in October this year, when the true rate of inflation may be a bit clearer. Some of the more excitable young Marxists in another department are still unhappy as they had their lefty hearts set on striking if they didn't get at least 17%...
Staffing. Despite the pay rise, we can only seem to attract 33% of the extra staff we need for the summer schedule. So come 27th March, it will be carnage. We barely have enough for 120 flights/day, never mind 190+
Accidents. They happen. The paperwork, databases etc. for each takes about 6 hours. On that windy Sunday night in 2 days after Eunice, when planes were going around then diverting, flights being cancelled and all manner of other shite was going on, one of our cleaners - who seems remarkably accident prone, managed to lose her footing due to a strong gust rocking the plane, while she was cleaning one of the rear bogs. "Broke" her nose. Took herself off home. I knew nothing about it until nearly 4 hours later when I'd finally finished all the baggage stuff.
Predictably, all hell then broke loose asking why she hadn't had a Drug & Alcohol test before going home, why no statement, why no accident book entry, why no everything. The usual suspects neither asked, nor cared, how she actually was, only worried about a potential injury/negligence claim.
Naturally, no blame apportioned to me

as I can't manage a situation I was not made aware of. My allocator, "Z", who was aware of it was simply far too busy on his own to worry about H&S paperwork - and he has absolutely no idea how to do it, nor does he need to - was initially going to be the sacrificial lamb, but I presented the cold, hard, evidence and that too was was quietly dropped. One telling fact was that the airport reported a gust of 52kts at the time of the accident. A gust that strong means you are not allowed to attach stairs/jetbridges, not allowed to open doors, baggage holds. But no rules about actually cleaning inside an aircraft in such winds

We've had about 20 new starters recently. So far, I have sacked 3. Being late EVERY day, or sick every Friday/Saturday night really isn't acceptable...
Other than that, everything is good