Remarkably, a "quite nice" shift. No particular dramas or catastrophes. On top of the original outbound baggage I signed up for, we took on the aircraft cleaning as you know. Now they've dumped the INBOUND baggage on us. This has been, of course, poorly thought out, badly managed and ultimately doomed to failure. HOWEVER, it may prove a nice opportunity to me to unload the aircraft cleaning bollox. I've had quite enough of sticking my head down aircraft toilet bowls during audits to see if they are "to standard". The focus will all be getting on hitting the inbound baggage target (35 minutes from actual in-block time to final bag delivery) met 100%. For starters, this is a silly target - set by Gatwick, not easyJet - with fines for failure. All well and good, but most passengers won't be through Border Control and at the reclaim belts that quickly.
So for the last 2 nights, due to a lack of staff to do the inbound baggage, me and the Duty Manager have both been out collecting inbound bags and tipping them at reclaim. No heads down toilets, or checking for crumbs on seats or smears on windows. And we've both loved it. Proper graft. Monday night I did 2 inbounds - Arrecife (Lanzagrotty) and Tenerife South, about 250 bags in total. All delivered to reclaim within 25 minutes. Last night Larnaca and Hurghada, about 290. WTF Larnaca? Super heavy bags. Does everyone bring back 30kg of Halloumi?
Hurghada standard heavy diving weights and other shite. 172 bags, last one on the reclaim belt in 30 mins 20 seconds. I was sweating a bit by then, and now bits of my body are hurting. It's a
nice hurt.
If I can wangle it that I'm only involved in outbound/inbound baggage, I may stay a bit longer. Otherwise, adios...