What is all this nonsense?
I've just stumnled across this and am cross 'cus you think I've just been 'orrible.
That is NOT the case.
I cleared out some
'friends' as they are so quaintly called, as I was struggling to keep tabs on the monumental number that I had, as it had reached DOUBLE figures!
Far too many posts to get me nut around, so I worked out who was actually speaking to me regulary and who wasn't.
My theory was that if someone doesn't converse with you, what is the point of them cluttering my page thingy wotsit when it's difficult to follow already.
I don't like the faceache layout as it's irrational and difficult to follow imo., and they keep changing stuff too which makes me irritable.
If you feel let down by me, I'm sorry. No offence was intended. Simply send me a request and I'l re-instate you. Sweet.