Has anyone considered the scenario that she was not kidnapped at all ... They are both doctors clever people how about this ... Maddie was known to be a difficult hyper child (normal 3 year old IMHO) this would I am sure not been the first time they had left the children.. They give the kids something to make them sleep but for some unintentional reason she has too much.. On return they find her dead.. Dispose of her and call plod.. From day one they have courted publicity, and milked the whole thing if my child had been kidnapped the last think I would want is for the press to be anywhere near me.. Yes it needs to be publicised but through a third party.. They have travelled the world and become celebrities on the back of this poor child and seems to me they lap it up especially him. She seems more reticent but I get the impression he controls her..
You may say why keep it going ? As I said these are clever people and if they stop it would look suspicious...
When my kids were young and we went on holiday the kids ate early put to bed and one of us stayed in with them we took turns... If you want to just do as you like then leave the kids at home or don't have kids at all. Then the problem does not arise ...
Kids are young for such a short time you should enjoy that time with them ... Some people just so self centred they want it all no sense of responsibility.
That is just MHO and I just hope that what ever happened to that poor child she is and has not suffered ...
I also do not want to see the smug faces of those two ever again.
Sorry rant over