Either way there is the potential for a lot of red faces ~ both on this forum and elsewhere.
Sun out over your neck of the woods then Snoops'?
I'm not accusing anyone of anything, but my suspicions are fimly on the parents.
I do worry about the slight possibility of the Portugese plod 'planting this alledged blood find' in the boot of the hired Scenic. They are obviously desperate to draw a close on this case with all the critisism they've been receiving, and this could
possibly be a good get out clause for them.
That then raises another question though.
IF they did 'plant' it, where did they obtain it from, or even p'raps, did it ever exist?
The whole story is very very sad in terms of the loss of what appears to be a very pleasant little girl, but also very intriguing with twists and turns.
WTF is Miss Marples when we need her?