Agreed but why haven't social services taken action against them for leaving them alone in the first place. A "lower class" family would have had the remaining children removed from them.
Many people have formed an opinion on the McCanns based on two things – their stupidity in leaving the kids alone in the first place and their apparent lack of emotion while being interviewed.
That certainly wasn't the case at the beginning where most people admitted that 'there but for the grace of god, go I' - Everyone has done something really stupid and been mightily relieved that nobody noticed. As for emotions, well I don't know where I would be in the emotional examination line-up. saying the same things over and over again to half of the worlds media - the tears have to run out sometime.
I remarked at the time that Ian Huntley and others like him, had left permanent scars on the concept of 'how to behave as a innocent/victim on TV'. Conscious of being led up the garden by previous liars, anybody following in those footsteps will be in for a sceptical ride by an audience of whom all have various contradictory concepts of how an innocent party should behave.
I am at a loss to know how I would react under similar circumstances, if previous catastrophes are anything to go by, I would 'turn to stone', an assessment made by people witnessing my earlier reactions as completely devoid of emotion. That would undoubtedly see me guilty as sin.
On that scenario, I would obviously prefer the concept of a fair trial. Something that is being denied to the McCanns by virtue of over exposure, Maybe it was a mistake to rely on the media but I don't suppose they believed for a moment, that it would end up as a witch-hunt.