You chaps sure are funny bunnys. 
Is this more to your taste?

Well, yes but that is not what I meant DS. I am heterosexual but I can look at a naked female or a semi clad female and think wow or nice or whatever, this does not, to try and put it politely, include 'flapshots' and the like. I can look at a naked or semi naked bloke and think wow or nice or whatever although TBH the dangly bits tend to make me giggle and so aesthetically for me should probably be covered. There are some pics on this thread which I would not find attractive but can appreciate that you chaps would and I have no problem with that and it is at the end of the day personal choice, there is a picture on here of a young woman with a rather nice body but the face, from my point of view leaves much to be desired. A personal observation and nothing more.