I saw a bit of it, and I have to admit, I thought pretty much the same thing.
Christ on a bike! I nearly felt guilty for looking at it and seriously wondered what it was doing on national TV...
What has this world come to? Fortunately, I don't like children very much - my own managed to permanently alienate them to me - but even I have noticed a distinct reluctance of most men to even look in the direction of kids.
Men and children are divided by a culture more than black and white ever were because the division is fear. Fear that some zealous soul will read into a glance some black desire, and run off screaming hysterically to report the blatant lust witnessed at first hand, and by the morning be a 'convicted' pedophile fit only to be ostracised and placed on the sex register forever.
At least they only called you racist for beating up Pakis

Another nail in the coffin of civilisation I think, because it removes men from the child's environment and neutralise's any discipline that may be left. In my day kids were scared of adults. Now it's the kids that wield all the power!
And they use women as their enforcers.
c 2007