Today has been one of 'those' days ....from the moment I have got up to, I fear, the moment I will go to sleep.
When some customer ( cos we are not allowed to call them complainants anymore
) has got me sooooooooooooooo mad today I was milliseconds away from swearing at him which would have got me in some very deep water. He is already on the 2nd stage of a formal complaints process against an officer in my team. But is the most pompous , ignorant, sexist wanker I have had the pleasure of spitting at in a long time
This coupled by tears and tantrums from my boss
The longest , most boringest meeting this afternoon where I was counting pigeons outside because I had become that numb
An argument with someone from Comm's about incorrect use of the corporate 'swish' - oh FFS
A phone call from someone that I thought had disappeared off the face of the planet and all because they wanted a shoulder to cry on or for someone to feel sorry for them
Got home to find The Brat had 5 of her friends here and the food I had bought to make my tea had all been consumed whilst they are planning and end of the school year party on Friday