
Author Topic: Proposals for separate prison for Muslims  (Read 786 times)

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Offline Snoopy

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Proposals for separate prison for Muslims
« on: July 29, 2007, 04:47:56 PM »
Prisons have always been placed within the communities they serve. With some notable exceptions (Dartmoor being one) the intention was that prisoners should serve their sentence within reasonable proximity to their relatives thus facilitating visiting, which has long been considered an essential part of any attempt at rehabilitation. Over the years there has been an increasing tendency to group prisoners into categories (High Risk, Dangerous, Medium Risk etc) and this has led to prisoners being held far from their homes and relatives thus "preparation for release" has come to involve moving them nearer to home and thence to "Open" prisons, allowing days out etc.

Now I see there is a proposal to house all Muslim prisoners in the same prison. Whilst I can see that this would prevent any "reprisals" against them because of their faith (and probable reasons for being held) and would make great savings in the provision of special foods, prayer facilities etc. it still seems to me to be a dangerous precedent. Already some of them, or their legal representatives, are claiming they should be granted "Prisoner of War" status. If we give them their own special prison (presumably facing toward Mecca) what will they want next? What indeed would other groups demand?

Deportation seems like a good plan until you realise that in the majority of cases this is little different to setting them free and, given the porous nature of our borders (thanks in no small measure to the EU), they'd be back with a new name and passport before you could clean the cells from their stay.

So what do we do?
« Last Edit: July 29, 2007, 04:49:55 PM by Snoopy »
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Re: Proposals for separate prison for Muslims
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2007, 04:55:49 PM »
Introduce Sharia Law for Muslims. drumroll:
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Offline Snoopy

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Re: Proposals for separate prison for Muslims
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2007, 04:58:27 PM »
Introduce Sharia Law for Muslims. drumroll:

It's a good thought but many of their crimes are crimes under UK law but not crimes in the eyes of their belief. To their fellow Muslims they are heroes ~ hence their demand to be treated as POWs. Besides we are supposed to be the "civilised" ones in this battle.
I used to have a handle on life but it broke.

Mr Happy

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Re: Proposals for separate prison for Muslims
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2007, 10:06:48 PM »
I would like to know the statistics on rehabilitation as I reckon a good many prisoners reoffend anyway.  It would seem that many small time criminals hone their skills whilst inside and re-emerge with bigger and better tricks, which brings me on to...

Lock up all Muslims together and watch them swap bomb making skills with one another.  But, i hear you say, Imran was only in for fraud why would he then wish to learn how to make bombs?  Well, as pointed out Sharia Law is different, fraud is something to be proud of as is blowing up innocents.

Would it not just be cheaper if a few thousand Londonners threw themselves in front of their morning tube?


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Re: Proposals for separate prison for Muslims
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2007, 11:28:24 AM »
I would like to know the statistics on rehabilitation as I reckon a good many prisoners reoffend anyway.  It would seem that many small time criminals hone their skills whilst inside and re-emerge with bigger and better tricks, which brings me on to...

Lock up all Muslims together and watch them swap bomb making skills with one another.  But, i hear you say, Imran was only in for fraud why would he then wish to learn how to make bombs?  Well, as pointed out Sharia Law is different, fraud is something to be proud of as is blowing up innocents.

Would it not just be cheaper if a few thousand Londonners threw themselves in front of their morning tube?

What a cracking idea!   We could announce an annual quota of sacrifice to Allah and select at random from amongst our own degenerate prison population who is to be for the chop.

Kills two birds with one stone eh?