I know we have discussed this before but I feel the need to vent

The Brat needed some 'kit' for Air Cadets ...now having gone to Army Surplus stores on stuff to check out the prices it was still coming out at nearly £150
One of her officers recommended some web site and so we had a look on there ordered the jacket, trousers, t shirts, belts and boots ...£60 plus P & P

The package arrived today .
Well not so much of a package more of a second home

FFS the box was about 5 ft tall

To open it I had to use tools as my sheer brute strength was not curling an edge of the nuclear sealed cardboard

When finally opened the garments were sitting there lonely at the bottom surrounded by enough space to build an adventure playground

I have just tried to tear the box up to make it acceptable for the recycling fascists to collect. Jeeezzzz I feel like a have done a whole workout ....mental