Nottinghamshire Police said officers dealt with a number of sporadic disturbances in the St Anne's area of Nottingham overnight.
Kicked off in Liverpool (Toxteth...shock and horror) later last night too apparently.If I hear that word CRIMINALITY one more time from that slot gob of May, I'm going to actually go down there and twat her!
Never mind rambling on about the British having a 'different way of policing' you gormless muntere, IT'S NOT WORKING!
Water cannon and Army, NOW before we have full civil war, out of control violence and anarchy sweeping every street in every town and city in the country that you and your vile predecessors have completely and utterely loused up.
The dead brained filth (mainly imigrants it seems
)that are watching these scenes have now spotted the weakness in our policing good as non exsistant.... and are going to take 100% advantage of it now