Honestly I am just being more and more sickened with every hour that passes. Watching the livelihoods of hard working, long standing businesses going up in ruins and for why ?
Absolutely fucking, totally pointless.
Get tough on the bastard scum - answer questions later .
Even though I'm 200 miles away, I feel your anger.
I'm absolutely fucking livid watching these horrendous images.
I could openly weep for all those poor people ( rozzers included) that have been innocently and violently affected by this vile disgusting behaviour from these brainless interbred walking heaps of animal sewerage.
Time to get tough you say/
You bloody bet.
One 2 minute warning from the Army to stop looting broadcast via mobile loudspeakers.
Anyone caught after that to be shot DEAD, end of, simple. no more questions.
We don't need this filth in our society, and I certainly don't want to be contributing to
its upkeep banged up in a holiday camp either