How to stop this:
Simples ... If you stop the enemy's communications and starve them of the oxygen of publicity they whither and die.
1) Close down the internet and mobile phones for a week or longer if necessary
2) Ban the media from reporting on it
3) Ban MPs of all shapes and sizes from talking about it in public
4) Slap in a curfew and arrest anyone breaking it
It has been shown to work in China and other places.
I don't mind being "cut off" if it stops these people, I am happy to suspend my 'uman rights if it cures the problem. We could always go back to writing proper letters
Might even get the Post Office out of the sh*t as a beneficial side effect.
Water Canons, Tear Gas and the Army did no good in Northern Ireland and it never seems to work in France, Belgium etc. Why? Because the fvcking press still carried on reporting it all and those intent on mischief could still talk to one another.