Just when you thought life could get no worse.... the riots, no money, a country in recession, Miss D away for a couple of weeks
Someone as sarcastic as me eh 
Won't get any of those creepy slithery slimy comments from me gerl.
Just say it 'ow it is I say. 
Good riddance. 

She only went on holiday, she will be back you know, no cause to be unkind the moment she is gone. 
Just so we are clear on this Darwin, etiquette-wise, when does it to become OK to be unkind? I'd hate to jump the gun like 
Anytime now I guess.
Take no notice anyway. I'm just a twat.

Luv 'er really like, sort of, a little bit, but not much like.

She's never made me a CAKE though, has she?

Nah, good riddance.