In my experience people that run marathons are as boring as fuck... certainly wouldn't be welcome in this pub...
I was wondering if I might be able to a marathon actually, eventually like, dressed in me Bear outfit like what I did at a wedding a few years ago.
I think it is just the VAST amount of training required for such a venture that makes people so insular and boring... or perhaps insular and boring people are the only ones able to undertake hours of training every week... the loneliness of a long distance runner and all that...
Must admit that some of the long distance tread mill hoggers in the gym, that pound away for hours, look like right boring overly self important tossers in the main.
Bloody fit arses to blimp at on some of the wimminly ones though I must say.
I always get on the static bike thingy machine if there's summat werth blimping at, cus the tread mills are directly behind them, yyyyyes!
'Elps you sort of concentrate and focus like.