My head is spinning.
So one goes to a pants stall in a market and winks at the pant seller knowingly and say "Gorrenny eggs mate?" (nudge) and Pants Man/Lady then rummages below and discreetly offers a selection of gravity operated or electric wobbly things with string attached?! 
Do they come with a manual written in pidgin english?
Must try that at Birkenhead Market on Saturday. I fear that Mrs Nick may know nothing of these devices of which you speak (though come to think of it I imagine at least 2 of her friends are up to speed, but they were air hostesses).
Go to Ann Summers or any shop with ADULT written on the blacked out windows. The Market Traders gave up on such things when licences were required to sell "Adult" items.
Trust the Councils to find another way to tax people.

And if you want to have some idea if and how they work insert a pair into your anus and go for a jog along the beach ~ I'll even pay for them if you really want to try it out ~ but don't forget to leave the string hanging out or you may have trouble with recovery, and the A&E department will have a good laugh

As in Doctor "Good God man you have a vibrator stuck in your backside, this will be difficult to remove"
Patient "Don't remove it doc ~ just change the batteries please"